The World's Largest Bull


Chilli is a black and white Fresian bull, weighing a whopping 1.25 tons and standing at 6 feet and 6 inches in height. Abandoned by its owner on the doorstep of the sanctuary he lives in today, when he was just 6 days old, back in 1999, Chilli grew up to become the biggest bovine in the world, according to Guinness Book of Records. According to Naomi Clarke, manager of the Ferne Animal Sanctuary in Ferne, Somerset, the bull doesn't eat as much as the other cows and yet he outgrows them by far. He's also abnormally friendly and gentle.

You could say Chilli had a stroke of luck when he ended up in the shelter, because normally he would have ended up chopped into pieces and on the shelves of a meat market somewhere. Now he's 9 years old and the proud owner of the title "Largest Bovine in the World", nice going Chilli.

The World's Largest Bull 4.5 5 DimazRian The World's Largest Bull Chilli is a black and white Fresian bull, weighing a whopping 1.25 tons and standing at 6 feet and 6 inches in ...

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