Top 10 Worst Logos


10. Bottom Logo
13152914 6C7Ef66B67
In case you can’t tell – it is a Japanese house in front of the rising sun. what else could it be?
9. *Special* Surgery
Guess where I am not going for surgery?
8. High Fashion
Guess where I am going for clothes.
7. Fine Food
A74 Sausage
Sausage anyone?
6. Olympics
A74 London
Even though people have pointed out the obvious problem here, they still insist on using this.
5. Pediatrics
A picture paints a thousand words.
4. Children’s Clinic
79 Logos
Don’t worry – be happy. Or not.
3. Pharmacy
Enemas ‘r’ us.
2. Speechless
1. Open Wide
Bonus: We fix your computers
Top 10 Worst Logos 4.5 5 DimazRian 10. Bottom Logo In case you can’t tell – it is a Japanese house in front of the rising sun. what else could it be? 9. *Special* Surgery Gu...

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