Alasan Mengejutkan Bumi Tak Butuh Bulan


A jet takes off from Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport as the enlarged full moon rises in the background
A jet takes off from Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport as the enlarged full moon rises in the background

Astronom Amerika melakukan simulasi stabilitas Bumi pada sumbunya. Hasil yang didapat cukup mengejutkan. Apa jadinya jika Bumi ‘memutuskan’ bulan?
Astronom Amerika mengatakan, jika Bumi tak memiliki bulan, planet ini masih mampu mendukung keberadaan kehidupan. Peneliti yakin, efek stabilisasi dari bulan hanya terjadi pada rotasi Bumi dan hal ini tak sepenting yang dikira sebelumnya.
Ilmuwan telah lama berpendapat, tanpa adanya bulan, kemiringan Bumi akan terus berubah dan membuatnya mengalami fluktuasi dalam iklim, karena matahari bersinar hampir langsung ke kutub dan hal ini diyakini akan mempengaruhi kehidupan.
Namun astronom University of Idaho menunjukkan, tanpa adanya bulan, kemiringan Bumi hanya akan bergeser 10 derajat dan pengaruh planet lain di tata surya akan membuat planet hunian manusia ini tetap stabil.
Selain itu seperti dilaporkan Astrobiology Magazine dari NASA, astronom yakin bulan tak dibutuhkan planet lain di semesta agar bisa dihuni. Dibanding bulan di planet lain, bulan Bumi sangat besar dan hanya sekitar seratus kali lebih kecil dibanding orang tuanya.
Perbandingannya, Mars 60 juta kali lebih besar dibanding bulan terbesarnya, Phobos. Sementara bulan Bumi memang memberi stabilitas, data baru mengungkap, daya tarik planet lain, terutama Yupiter, akan mencegah Bumi berayun terlalu ganas.
Not so important after all? Earth would still be stable without its moon, astronomers claim
Not so important after all? Earth would still be stable without its moon, astronomers claim
“Karena Yupiter menjadi planet paling besar, planet ini bisa mempertegas batas rata-rata di tata surya,” ujar astronom Jason Barnes.
Tanpa bulan, Barnes dan rekan menemukan, Bumi hanya bergeser pada sumbunya 10-20 derajat selama setengah miliar tahun.
Perubahan satu atau dua derajat awalnya diduga bisa menjadi penyebab Zaman Es namun astronom yakin sementara pergeseran ini mempengaruhi iklim, ‘perubahan ini tak akan mempengaruhi kehidupan intelijen’.
“Bulan besar bisa menstabilkan (planet) namun dalam banyak kasus, bulan tak dibutuhkan,” tutupnya seperti ditulis Dailymail. [mor]

The spectacular Lunar Eclispe photographed over the snow-covered fields high in the Pennines above Holmbridge, West Yorkshire
This spectacular picture of the lunar eclispe was captured over the snow-covered fields high in the Pennines above Holmbridge, West Yorkshire
The winter solstice lunar eclipse as seen over rooftops and Horton Park mosque, Bradford
The winter solstice lunar eclipse as seen over rooftops and Horton Park mosque, Bradford

The Moon is engulfed in the Earth's shadow as it nears the peak of a rare winter solstice The Moon is engulfed in the Earth's shadow as it nears the peak of a rare winter solstice
The red moon is viewed with a telescope from Palm Beach Gardens, US, left, while the moon begins to be covered by the Earth's shadow in Edinburgh

A picture taken in New York shows the moon as a total eclipse nears its peak A total eclipsed moon is seen from Silver Spring, Maryland,
A picture taken in New York, left, shows the moon as the total eclipse nears its peak while in Silver Spring, Maryland, right, the moon turns a deep red

The blood-red moon and the monument of The Savior of The World during a total lunar eclipse as seen from San Salvador last night
The blood-red moon and the monument of The Savior of The World during a total lunar eclipse as seen from San Salvador last night
The lunar eclipse is visible in Scottish Borders as the moon starts to move into the Earth's shadow
The lunar eclipse is visible in Scottish Borders as the moon starts to move into the Earth's shadow
Enlarge The moon in various stages of a total lunar eclipse as seen from Mexico City
The moon in various stages of a total lunar eclipse this morning as seen from Mexico City
Shrouded in darkness: Part of the moon is in darkness as the the earth's shadow moves across it during today's lunar eclipse
Shrouded in darkness: Part of the moon is in darkness as the earth's shadow moves across it during today's lunar eclipse in this image taken from Dallas
Pacman-like: A wedge of the moon is obscured by shadow in this image taken from Great Falls, Virginia. If conditions are right, the surface of the moon could glow blood red later this morning
Pacman-like: A wedge of the moon is obscured by shadow in this image taken from Great Falls, Virginia

sumber :

Alasan Mengejutkan Bumi Tak Butuh Bulan 4.5 5 DimazRian A jet takes off from Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport as the enlarged full moon rises in the background Astronom Amerika melakuka...

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