Wah.. Pengendara sepeda pancal emang nggak ada matinya... Mereka seperti merajai jalanan dan sekitarnya.. Seolah tanpa salah dan dosa, mereka melaju di jalur kanan, atau bahkan menerobos lampu merah.. Benar benar sepeda gila... Apalagi kalau bicara tentang muatan muatan mereka... Bener bener deh...
Sepeda-sepeda Dengan Muatan Paling Gila4.55DimazRianSepeda-sepeda Dengan Muatan Paling Gila Wah.. Pengendara sepeda pancal emang nggak ada matinya... Mereka seperti merajai jalanan dan sekitar...
Hera Xiao Miao 苗苗 from Beijing, China - Lenglui #90Name: Hera Xiao Miao 苗苗 / 何小苗Date of Birth: Oct 2, 1987Height: 164 cmWeight: 44 kgBlog: http://blog.163.com/conan_tony/About: Hera Xiao Miao 何小苗 or nicknamed as Hera Miao Miao 苗苗, lives in Beijing's Chaoyang District. Hera graduated from the Beijing …Read More
Jolie Luo Yun (罗晓韵) from Chongqing, China - Lenglui #86Name: Jolie Luo Yun (罗晓韵)Height: 163 cmBlog: http://www.jolie.cnAbout: Jolie Luo Yun (罗晓韵), is a talented pretty female photographer from Chongqing, China. She has her own photography company at the age of 25 with her other twin partner, Cherry. Joli…Read More
Feng Qian (冯倩) from Shanghai, China - Lenglui #89Name: Feng Qian (冯倩)Date of Birth: Jan 4, 1989Height: 163 cmWeight: 45 kgBlog: http://angelbaby1989.blog.163.com/About: Feng Qian (冯倩) is like the China's version of Lena Fujii, except that she's only doing it as a freelance. Having graduated from th…Read More
Aimee Shen / Miniann423 (小安) from Taiwan - Lenglui #88Name: Aimee Shen / Miniann423 (小安)Date of Birth: Apr 23, 1987Blog: http://www.wretch.cc/album/miniann423About: Aimee Shen or better known as miniann423 (小安) in her wretch account, is from Taiwan and currently doing her Master of Information Technolo…Read More
Chuckei (Jane Lau) from KL, Malaysia - Lenglui #85Name: Jane Lau aka ChuckeiDate of Birth: Sept 16, 1992Blog: http://www.chuckei.comFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Chuckei-Baby-Jane/165405654919About: Jane Lau or better known as Chuckei, is a popular 18 years old sweet-young-thing blogger fr…Read More