Top 10 Orang Dengan Mata Terindah di Dunia


Finding the world’s most beautiful eyes was challenging, to say the least. With a list that started at 50 sets of beautiful eyes that then had to be reduced to 10, well, you can imagine the hesitation to exclude some of the many gorgeous women that were considered. Some of the lovely ladies whoe missed breaking the top ten were Megan Fox, Raquel Welch and, believe it or not, Marie Osmond who were all in the initial 50.

One of the most difficult tasks for this list of the most beautiful eyes was finding a large head shot that showcased their eyes. Most photos included the entire female’s body and when you look at the list of women below you know why that is a good thing – most certainly had a beautiful body to match their incredible eyes. So we did the best we could and looked for nice photography that concentrated on the face and the eyes.

10. Charlize Theron

She’s got stunning eyes, but what else? She won an Oscar for Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role in Monster.


9. Sophia Loren

She’s got sexy eyes, but what else? She won an Oscar for Best Actress in a Leading Role

in Ciociara, La.


8. Kristin Kreuk

She’s has gorgeous green eyes, but what else? She has starred in “Smallville” as Lana Lang and has kissed Superman.


7. Giada De Laurentiis

Okay, her eyes are amazing, but what else? She is a professional chef and has her own cooking program, Everyday Italian, which has been broadcast on Food Network since 2003.


6. Sharbat Gula

Her sparkling green eyes are mesmerizing, but what else? She is known as the cover girl for National Geographic because Steve McCurry was fortunate enough to take her photograph while on assignment for National Geographic. Her photo is the most popular that the magazine has published.


5. Audrey Hepburn

Her eyes are beautiful, of course, but what else? Audrey won the Oscar for Best Actress in a Leading Role

in Roman Holiday.


4. Elizabeth Taylor

Her blue eyes make the sky look pale, but what else? She won two Oscars, one for each beautiful eye. She won for Best Actress in a Leading Role in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? & Best Actress in a Leading Role in Butterfield 8.


3. Lynda Carter

Azure blue eyes that sparkle are nice, but what else? Lynda was the superhero Wonder Woman and won the 2004 TV Land Award for Superest Super Hero for “Wonder Woman” which aired in 1976.


2. Angelina Jolie

Okay her eyes are drop-dead gorgeous and her lips are incredible, but what else? She is the daughter of Jon Voight and won an Oscar Best Actress in a Supporting Role for Girl, Interrupted in 2000.


1. Aishwarya Rai

Her eyes are truly the most beautiful eyes in the world, and that is enough, but just for kicks, what else? Aishwarya was chosen by Time magazine in 2004 as one of the World’s “100 Most Influential People” and she is widely considered the most beautiful woman in the world and with eyes like that you can “see” why.


And there you have it, ten of the most beautiful eyes in the world. As with most lists, even top ten lists, there is some subjectivity, so please include any beauties you may think were missed.

Top 10 Orang Dengan Mata Terindah di Dunia 4.5 5 DimazRian Finding the world’s most beautiful eyes was challenging, to say the least. With a list that started at 50 sets of beautiful eyes that then h...

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