Name: Ren Si Lu (任斯璐)
Date of Birth: May 15, 1982
Measurements: 34 23 32
Height: 163 cm
Weight: 45 kg
Blog: http://blog.sina.com.cn/rensilu
Weibo: http://weibo.com/rensilu
About: Ren Si Lu (任斯璐) also known as Rose Chanel (English name), is a professional actress from China. Started her career mainly in TV dramas till she was featured in Stephen Chow's Kungfu Hustle (2004) and Let's Go Watch Meteor Shower (一起来看流星雨, 2009). Apparently, Ren Si Lu in real person looks quite different compared to these photos, any Netizens call her the "PS Queen".

Anyway, only the best of Ren Si Lu available here, all filtered by http://dailylenglui.blogspot.com.